Saturday, November 3, 2012

My First Blog ( Night Writer)

Hi There,

          This is something very new to me. I have never had a blog before I feel since I am up all night I an there in nothing for me to do I feel this would better way to past the time. I feel that I have a lot the write about because just in the last two years I have been throw alot. The good, bad and the ugly. When you are a Soldier, Mother, Wife and a Student, now newly Ex wife thing get really crazy in your life. I am think that I can share a lot to those that may have been through the same situation.   

       I will have many topics about life, love, work, family, my view on just about everything on TV and one thing that i will not touch is poultices. That is one place I leave  alone because you can't just say what you want any more. I know us as Americans have the freedom of free speech but I feel that that is not true at all especially being in the Military. So I will leave that subject alone.

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