Sunday, November 4, 2012


The topic for tonight moving.

Why is moving so hard to do. Its your things and you put them in your living space so when it is time to pick up and move why is it so hard to do.  Well in the last 4 months this is the second move for me (military life) what can I say.  At lease I don't have to do any heavy lifting. I just hate to get thing in order when they mess up your work. What also gets to me is when you are getting rid of the gunk you got, it just seems to multiply. I have throw away so much stuff and it seem like it all just appear right back where it started off. So off to more cleaning and pack.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My First Blog ( Night Writer)

Hi There,

          This is something very new to me. I have never had a blog before I feel since I am up all night I an there in nothing for me to do I feel this would better way to past the time. I feel that I have a lot the write about because just in the last two years I have been throw alot. The good, bad and the ugly. When you are a Soldier, Mother, Wife and a Student, now newly Ex wife thing get really crazy in your life. I am think that I can share a lot to those that may have been through the same situation.   

       I will have many topics about life, love, work, family, my view on just about everything on TV and one thing that i will not touch is poultices. That is one place I leave  alone because you can't just say what you want any more. I know us as Americans have the freedom of free speech but I feel that that is not true at all especially being in the Military. So I will leave that subject alone.